“We made a deal ages ago. Men, babies, doesn’t matter. We’re soul mates.”

There's absolutely nothing like having a best friend.

There's absolutely nothing like having a best friend.

Nickelodeon / Via gifrific.com

You'd be totally lost without their love and support and their natural ability to make you feel like a million bucks.

You'd be totally lost without their love and support and their natural ability to make you feel like a million bucks.

youtube.com / Via beyobsessed.tumblr.com

Winnie the Pooh usually hits the nail on the head when it comes to displaying love for your BFF.

Winnie the Pooh usually hits the nail on the head when it comes to displaying love for your BFF.

Methuen Publishing / Via solalalicious.tumblr.com

Samantha Jones beautifully captures the greatness of friendship in this Sex and the City 2 quote.

Samantha Jones beautifully captures the greatness of friendship in this Sex and the City 2 quote.

Warner Bros. Pictures / Via plaucheclaire.wordpress.com

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